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Arabic typesetting and calligraphy
Last Updated on Thursday, 23 May 2013 21:04
Written by Administrator
Friday, 25 March 2011 00:00
A good place to start if you want to find out more about the history of Arabic typography and calligraphy is to read the book Arabic typography by Huda Smitshuijzen AbiFares. The following quote gives you a flavour of it.
'The role of the typographer is to create through typographic compositions the best visual result for communicating an idea, a feeling, or an image, marrying aesthetics to functionality, thus bridging the gap between art and the technical limitations of the various means of reproduction. To fulfil this role, the typographer must have an understanding of the historical, aesthetic and technical aspects of typography. This knowledge and sensitivity allows him to manipulate these elements, pushing the boundaries of each in search of new creative horizons...
'It is not the exact copying of letters and aesthetic rules that needs to be retained
from the glorious past of Arabic calligraphy, but rather the spirit of creative experimentation
and the pragmatic design solutions that show affinity with materials and media.'
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